Japan Offers a Range of Uniquely Authentic Kit Kat Flavors
Japan has beaten all the countries by a long shot with its unique range of Kit Kat flavors. The Kit Kat chocolate shops and convenience stores in Japan offer a vast variety of flavors. From international to indigenous to seasonally exclusive, there are more than 400 flavors of Kit Kat there, making the Japanese versions of the sweet treat a must-have among the candy-lover community across the world. In fact, almost every region here has its distinct flavor of Kit Kat. This country knows how to go crazy over Kit Kats! So, next time you’re in Japan, don’t forget to take a Kit Kat tour!
The Regional Collection
The regional flavors are undoubtedly the highlights of Japanese Kit Kats. According to the Tsunagu Japan guide, the bases of all these flavors are carefully chosen local delicacies or ingredients, representing the very essence of those particular regions. For example, flavors like Itokyuemon Matcha of Kyoto, Momiji Manju or maple leaf-shaped steamed cake of Hiroshima, Beni-Imo or purple sweet potato of Okinawa, Azuki Bean Sandwich of Nagoya, etc., all use those specific ingredients and flavors from their source regions.
The Limited Edition Collection
Limited edition flavors of Kit Kat are also highly popular in Japan and generally come and go each year. There are flavors like pudding and even seasonal wonders like sakura mochi. As per Tsunagu Japan, Nestle Japan has come up with cough drop, edamame, and baked potato-flavored Kit Kat bars. It’s not an overstatement that Japanese Kit Kat has revolutionized the idea of sweet candies, by pushing every possible limit of creation in its flavors. Also, unlike any other global chocolate, many of the constantly changing flavors of Japanese Kit Kat have become esoteric, with tailor-made tastes suitable only for the Japanese palate.