Bravo Avocado
Because we’re merciful, we’re going to start the list of with a text that isn’t really that bad. Sure, “holy guacamole” is a terrible opening to try and flirt with someone, but at least this guy took his deserved rejection like a champ.

Besides, “bravo avocado” is actually pretty funny. At least he had a good sense of humor about the whole thing, which is more than we can say for most of this list.
Flaunting Your Insecurities
Having somebody give you a wrong number to subtly deflect your advances is a very common tactic, and of course, nobody is happy to be on the receiving end of it. Still, why get mad at the guy whose wrong number you got?

Moreover, what’s the deal with trying to flex on some stranger who is just as confused as you are? We don’t know what this guy is so insecure about, but it sure is sad.
A Little Creepy
Look, we’re not going to outright condemn people that do text roleplay. People are entitled to their interests. Still, it gets really cringy when you break out the roleplay without warning, with someone who didn’t agree to it.

Besides, this particular roleplay is a little creepy, don’t you think? We’d be terrified if the situation being described here came up. This is how a lot of crime show episodes start.
Getting Awkward Fast
Sometimes, the cringe really just comes out of nowhere. When a text starts out in a pretty normal way, it can be surprising to get hit with the dreaded “asterisk roleplay”. Apparently, this kind of thing has grown quite popular recently.

Roleplay may be harmless, but it’s still really weird to pull it out on someone who had no idea it was coming. Especially if it involves crawling into their lap.
Everything That Could Be Cringy, Is
As always, we have some cringy asterisk roleplay going on here, but even worse than that, the guy sending this message doubles down with horrific flirting skills. Backhanded compliments tend to fare poorly in these situations.

Even after he misses his shot, he keeps both of these problems going, proving that this is not a single cringy incident for him: he’s just a hopelessly cringy person.
How About No?
You may have figured it out by this point, but a lot of these are going to involve text roleplaying. Look, it’s just getting really trendy to do right now, for some reason. Needless to say, this example manages to be very cringy.

At least this version of sexual assault is only carried out in text, but it’s still odd that someone would just jump right into something so straightforward like this, especially with someone who is apparently not down for it.
Sometimes it Does Hurt to be Honest
Generally speaking, being honest doesn’t hurt. But sometimes, it really does. We suppose it depends on just what kind of questionable things you are honestly thinking. There’s a reason everyone does a little bit of lying.

This guy’s attempt to be honest unfortunately just backfired into being cringy for him. It turns out that this isn’t the kind of opener most women are looking for when trying to find someone on the internet.
Maybe He Was Joking
At first glance, this cringy text seems pretty awful, but based on the context, it seems like these two people know each other. Because of this, it’s quite likely that our cringy friend here is just joking.

Still, if someone who claims to love you believes that it was the cringiest thing they’ve ever heard, then maybe the joke went a little too far.
Tipping Your What Now?
Alright, so this is another cringy text roleplay. But really, that’s not the weirdest thing about it. The weirdest thing about it is the fact that this roleplayer “tipped his fedora”. Of all the hats to choose, why that?

Like, who actually wears a fedora in this day and age? Or does his roleplay also include pretending to be in a different era. Either way, this just seems like a really weird way to initiate roleplay, and that’s saying something.
The Beast Within
Look, everyone is entitled to their own interests and feelings, but we have to be honest: the least you can do is keep some of it to yourself. Not that you have to hide who you are, per se, but at least find the right people to share it with.

We don’t know what possesses someone to pass themselves off as a wolf or something, but believe us when we say there is nothing intimidating about any of this. There’s just cringe: so much cringe.
Unintentional Cringe
You know, it’s not that everyone is actually trying to be cringy all the time. Sometimes, the cringe well and truly just happens by accident. For instance, when you completely misinterpret what “celebration of life” means.

But hey, cut this person some slack. If you had never heard that term before, admittedly, it does sound a lot like another way to describe a birthday. Still, they probably beat themselves up pretty hard over that one.
I Do Not Wish For Company
We understand that it’s difficult to talk to a stranger, finding the right words to try and hit things off with them. We suppose this cringy text is better than being a deplorable sleaze, but it just goes to the opposite extreme.

Something about speaking in such a stuffy manner generally doesn’t endear people to you. You should try to talk like you were born in the last hundred years, at least.
Sick in Every Way
Honestly, “cringy” is a little too weak of a word to describe what’s going on here. It’s gross. Sickening. Outright appalling. We’re not sure what this person was thinking when they wrote all of this, but maybe they weren’t thinking at all.

At any rate, this is definitely the type of person you want to block as soon as possible. After all, it takes a special kind of sicko to think any of this was OK.
So Close to Normalcy
This guy came so close to actually being halfway respectable, but unfortunately, he decided to be cringy instead. Maybe he’s down bad and looking for love, but someone half your age and a minor? Have some standards, sir.

At least the teenager in this scenario was smart enough to respond properly. This strange man was obviously bad news, and anyone could see it.
No Thanks, Phil
Wanting someone to be invested in a relationship is totally understandable, but it doesn’t make any sense at all if the person isn’t actually in a relationship with you yet. This guy apparently didn’t get the message.

Why he feels so entitled is a mystery, but we are willing to bet this relationship ended up not working out for him. But hey, is anyone really surprised about that?
This Whole Pocahontas Thing
Admittedly, most of the cringe in this case is the guy just not knowing what he’s actually saying, but the implications he’s making are pretty cringy too. Nothing wrong with finding someone attractive, but attributing it directly to their ethnicity is kind of messed up.

Of course, there are certainly worse ways to start of a conversation, but this guy still didn’t do himself any favors. Presenting yourself as stupid rarely endears you to a stranger.
I Want Attention
Most people like having some amount of attention paid to them from time to time, but there is definitely a way to be too cringy about it. Case in point, this guy right here. If someone isn’t answering this many texts in a row, it’s probably a sign that you should back off.

We’re not sure if his craving for attention actually ever went down, despite his claims. Maybe he should find someone who actually wants to talk to him?
Smirking Like Who?
This whole text exchange reeks of a young teenager, but the most cringy part definitely appears to be near the end. We’re not sure why “smirking like Satan” gets involved in this exchange at all, but it’s way out of left field.

Not to mention, what on Earth is the aesthetic “type” of person to like anime? This is definitely one of the people that give this entire group a bad reputation.
Get Out While You Can
When someone gets too attached, it spells trouble. Well, calling this person attached might be a bit of an understatement. We’re not sure what their problem is, but they are definitely giving off some alarming cringy energy.

Rarely has that level of possessiveness ever worked out for anyone, so whoever is on the receiving end of this should get out while they can. For their own safety, if nothing else.
Nice Save
We get it: it’s very easy to get embarrassed after confessing to someone, only for things to not work out. But there are good ways to handle that kind of situation, and what we are seeing here is most certainly not it.

Why would you turn around and insult the person you had feelings for? Or, if this was actually a ploy just to embarrass someone, it didn’t work anyway, seeing as how the guy in question didn’t reciprocate those feelings. It’s just cringy all around.
Please Don’t
Text roleplay with someone who didn’t agree to it is already cringy enough, but believe it or not, there are actually ways to make it even worse! You can decide to both describe all of your actions and stutter, in text. For some reason?

Maybe this person is just really committed to the bit, but they really shouldn’t be. We get the feeling that the recipient of this stuff would likely agree.
Guys Have Skin Needs Too
Toxic masculinity is something often attributed to men, as something they force on other men. But women can push this harmful narrative too. In fact, there are many women out there that will condemn men for doing normal things, like taking care of their skin.

What, like girls are the only ones who deserve smooth skin free of blemishes? That sounds like a pretty reasonable thing for anyone to want!
A Braggart at Heart
There are two types of people in the military: those who actually did something of value, but are humble about it, and those who likely did nothing important at all, and won’t shut up about it. This guy is most certainly the latter.

We’re just saying, it’s hard to admire or respect someone that is so adamant about you acknowledging their supposed sacrifices and commitments. Real heroes don’t feel the need to get praise from everyone.
Indeed I Will Not
There are many cringy things about this particular text exchange. First of all, it’s probably not a good idea to refer to someone as a “sweatpants princess”. Second, daring someone to kiss you is the act of a literal child.

There’s no denying that this guy was just incredibly desperate, but still, have some class. We know that’s a lot to ask, but still. The least you could do is try, right?
How About You Politely Leave?
Being young means having a certain degree of carnal desire that’s a bit hard to suppress. But still, asking someone to send you naked pictures of themselves without even telling them who you are is a bit of a wild, cringy move.

And this is to say nothing about the awful attempt to play off this exchange by pretending to be intoxicated when it happened. Not to mention, this guy’s demeanor and speech patterns changed without explanation. Yeah, nice try buddy.
No, We May Not
If your entire life was about to change, we couldn’t blame you for wanting to get a bit more physical fun with someone that you used to be with. Still, if your life is about to change because you are being arrested, that’s a big ask.

Maybe it’s not right to call this cringy per se, but it’s definitely a bit mind-boggling. Would it really be a good idea to sleep with someone right before they go to jail? Probably not.
When Fandom Strikes
There’s nothing wrong with being a fan. But it is kind of cringy to take it really seriously in a situation when it’s not called for. Very few people ever think it’s cool for you to drop your fandom on them so suddenly.

It’s worth noting that fandom is a strange thing: it’s very cool to the people who are in it, but almost always seen as cringy outside of that context. Unfortunately, that’s just how it is.
Shots Fired, Shots Returned
There are certain people that you just shouldn’t mess with. If you insult them, it’s practically guaranteed that you will not come out on top in most cases. The cringy part about it in this case is the inability to take the heat.

We’re just saying, don’t talk smack (and weak smack at that) to someone if you can’t handle a bit of reciprocation. That just makes you look even more pathetic than you already do.
So Many Problems Here
Where to begin with this one? What is the cringiest thing about it? It might be this guy supposedly using the account of a dead friend to hit on someone else, but we struggle to call that something as weak as “cringy”.

Maybe it’s the “I’ve never seen you before but think you are gorgeous”. We probably don’t need to tell anyone why that doesn’t make any sense at all. Honestly, this entire thing is just cringy.
How to Blow an Interview
There are several ways you can blow an interview before it even starts, but trying to hit on the person giving you information on it is definitely one of the quickest ways to do so.

It’s more than just cringy, it’s unprofessional. And when you are trying to get a job, the last thing you want to do is come across as unprofessional, right? That just seems like common sense to us.
Didn’t Mean To, Huh?
Building up the courage to confess to someone is difficult, for sure. When it doesn’t go well, that really sucks. But if it doesn’t go well, it’s always recommended to keep a cool head instead of getting super cringy. After all, that is a recipe for disaster.

At worst, the person you like is now weirded out by you. At best, you’ve still made a huge fool of yourself. Unfortunately, this person probably pulled off a little bit of both somehow.
*So *Many *Asterisks
One of the great things about texting is that you can break down communication to something nice and simple. We actually think it’s pretty desirable to have texting be so simple. Unfortunately, some people don’t feel the same way.

Honestly, having to input this many asterisks while texting sounds really tedious and annoying more than anything else. But hey, what do we know anyway?
Whoops, Sorry!
The cringe here is obviously not intentional, which is nice. Unfortunately, whether or not it is intentional, it certainly isn’t comfortable, likely not for either individual. What is it with these people forgetting about deceased loved ones?

Hopefully this is the kind of mistake they only make once, but then again, the damage is already done. They probably could have afforded to apologize a bit more earnestly.
Don’t Take it So Hard
If you are on social media, there are probably a lot of people on your friend list that you haven’t actually talked to in a long time. If that is the case, you may be inclined to do some cleaning every once in awhile.

Unfortunately, someone might take this housekeeping a little too hard. Or should we say, way too far. Being this upset with someone for unfriending you on social media is pretty cringy, we don’t think anyone could really disagree with that.
Yelp and Blush
We have to wonder if there are certain types of people more disposed towards writing out all of their actions and feelings. Maybe it’s the people who feel that their words aren’t enough? Unfortunately, this behavior often comes across as cringy.

We don’t want to be too mean to them, but seriously, they should probably try to work on using words to their advantage. Good dialogue gets plenty of things across.
Where Did This Come From?
What convinces someone that they should start roleplaying in the middle of a normal text conversation. Like, this seemed to be a pretty normal exchange, until this person made it cringy and weird.

It’s a bit odd to go from talking about a book to talking about massaging someone’s feet. It’s even stranger when the other person is quite clearly not into it. Wouldn’t you know if someone is down for that or not?
Go Cry Then
The cringe is strong with this one. It’s so strong, we don’t even know which part is worse. The way this person starts the conversation is already incredibly cringy, but when they get refused, their reaction is just as bad, if not worse.

You really don’t get to go on about how nobody likes you when you start of a conversation like this. Seriously, who does that?
Memes From the Past
Some memes are just cringy. Some are based, as long as you use them in the right place. This right here is a perfect example of how to use a meme in a cringy way, while completely ignoring how completely outdated this particular meme is to begin with.

Aside from that, going out of your way to make yourself sound sad and pathetic is rarely, if ever, a good move. Most people just don’t perceive that as admirable.
Phantom Threat
This text exchange is cringy in a different way: this time, it’s mostly just about one person being way too obvious with their poor attempts to scam someone. Besides, is this really the best way they could think of to try and get some pictures of someone?

Generally speaking, this kind of approach doesn’t work against anyone with two brain cells. After all, hacking like the kind mentioned here only exists in the movies.
Didn’t Expect That
Let’s ignore the text roleplay part of this because we’ve already harped a lot on that concept in this list. But even ignoring that, the person in this text exchange is just cringy overall. Like, they didn’t expect someone to ask who they were?

Moreover, is it really a good idea to get someone’s contact info from an acquaintance, then contact them out of the blue? That certainly seems like a bad idea.
Sweating a Lot Isn’t Helping
Honestly, the weirdest thing about all of these text roleplay exchanges is the fact that people choose to narrate actions that aren’t very flattering. Why would you want to tell someone that you are hitting on that you are “sweating a lot?”

Like, do they believe that is actually helping their cause? That’s it’s actually increasing their odds? Maybe the problem with these exchanges is the misconception of what a good approach is.
Admirable Commitment
The pickup line that was being used here was quite cringy, there’s no doubt about that. The fact that it was shot down by a terrible revelation doesn’t help matters at all. But the weird thing is, it’s almost admirable that this guy kept going with the bit.

Of course, “almost” is the operative word. You probably shouldn’t keep hitting on someone after they tell you that their father is deceased. They likely aren’t in the mood.
Time For a New Therapist
When you believe a message is automated, you may be inclined to provide a silly response instead of anything serious. That’s all well and good, except when it turns out that the message wasn’t automated at all.

But hey, at least this cringy response was presented to a therapist. Of all the people who could understand why you said that, it’s probably them. Of course, they might find some new things to talk about with you, all things considered.
Who is in the Wrong?
What’s really the cringy part of this exchange? After all, the joke is hardly that good. In fact, it’s a really low-tier joke. But is it really that bad? Or is it the jealous boyfriend taking his girlfriend’s phone to try and combat the joker?

The joke may be bad, but the insecure boyfriend really appears to be the pathetic one in this case. Maybe both sides are a little cringy, in the end.
No Thanks
Everyone wants to be on the receiving end of some affection, but you shouldn’t try to get it from strangers with cringy lines and requests. Most people aren’t too interested in kissing some relative stranger or acquaintance just because it’s New Year’s.

This is far from the cringiest thing on this list, but it’s still just kind of painful to look at, isn’t it? Well, we suppose it could have been worse: this person could have requested some other troubling things.
40+ Times Parents Were So Wholesome That They Made Ours and Their Kids’ Day
Tough Beginnings
Raising a child is filled with beginnings — their first smile, their first step, their first word. Every experience is a brand new one that is to be cherished and explored together. But, some beginnings are also a lot harder than you’d expect.

That first day of school, when they suddenly feel all grown up and you have to learn to let go, can be extra difficult for a loving parent. This dad has clearly got it handled perfectly. With a father like this, this kid will always know he’s loved and missed.
Kids love their stuffed animal toys. It seems, though, that they’re not the only ones! This poster has shared how their dad still walks around with the adorable stuffed beluga whale that they gave him so many years ago.

The choice of animal might be a bit strange to us, but we still think this dad and his emotional support toy are absolutely adorable. It seems that even after 20 years of being a dad, he still misses his kid sometimes and needs a stuffed whale hug.
Keep on Smiling
Parenting is a mostly thankless task. Most of that effort takes years and years to actually pay off — by seeing your kid grow into an adult that actually implements your hard-taught lessons. That’s why it’s so important to appreciate the little things.

This mom has found all the payment she needs in her little boy’s smile, and we can’t think of a better currency! This sweetness is definitely worth every hardship and difficulty along the way!
A Better Place
Our teen and young adult years are often a difficult time of uncertainty in the pursuit of self-discovery and of purpose. What many of us need during this time is a strong and encouraging support system — with our parents at the center of it.

This dad definitely knows how to reassure his kid that they’re on the right track, no matter what it is. Beyond how heartfelt and heartwarming this compliment is, it’s also providing some pretty great advice to a struggling kid. We love your dad, too!
Ring Bearer
There are many ways for parents to show their children how much they love them. They can give them hugs and kisses. They can play and teach them. Or (and this is one of our favorites) they can save a childhood memento from their kids.

This loving dad found a fantastic way to have a reminder of his kid wherever he goes. Just like a wedding ring is a reminder of the promise of marriage, this keychain ring is a promise to always keep his kid in his heart.
Perfect Braid
Being a single parent can often feel like an endless uphill battle, just trying to stay afloat and doing your best to fulfill the roles of two parents at the same time. It’s an incredibly intricate braid of responsibilities.

A bit like the beautiful braid this dad learned how to create in his daughter’s hair! Just from this, you can tell that he’s truly doing his best to be there for his kid in the best way possible, even if it means learning a few new skills in the process.
It’s Official!
Families are a complicated thing. But, that’s not always a bad thing. It means that people can turn from just a group of people into a family in all sorts of wonderfully diverse ways. A wonderfully touching way is through adoption.

You can just tell from this photo how much this adoptive dad cares for his now-lawful son! The love and happiness shining in both their eyes from realizing they’ve both found their family is absolutely heartwarming!
Thank You, Mr. Mosby
One of the most wholesome shows we had growing up was The Suite Life of Zack and Cody on the Disney Channel. Much of that is thanks to the parental role that Mr. Mosby took upon himself when it came to the kids in the hotel.

While he had already helped his adopted daughter get her license on the show, Phill Lewis (who played Mr. Mosby) proudly shared that his real daughter can finally drive! We’re sure London Tipton would be just as proud as he is!
Proud Parent
Some of the most wholesome parents out there are definitely those who celebrate their children’s achievements and accomplishments while still being aware and acknowledging the hard work and hardships that were part of that process.

In this case, though, both these kings should be celebrated! Being a single father to a young man is no easy task, but this dad does it with passion, love, and a whole heap of caring. This is truly a moment to be treasured!
Looking Daper
@PhillyD just perfectly explained why we find these parents to be so wholesome! Just like him, they all know that taking on the role of parent with love and joy is one of the best ways to raise happy, kind kids.

We’re sure his fancy-looking son will agree that having a dad that is all-in when it comes to the highs and lows of raising a child is the best feeling ever. That’s one very lucky kid.
Hi Mad, I’m Dad!
We love seeing parents approaching parenting difficulties with love, empathy, and a dash of humor. Especially when it’s the height of humor — the dad joke! If we were this kid we’d definitely feel better after getting this wholesome card.

Can we just point out how beautifully this dad validated his son’s feelings of anger and frustration and gave him ways to deal with them at the same time? That’s some impressive parenting! Well done, dad!
Amazingly, parents can be wholesome even long after they’re gone! They’re such a massively important part of our lives, that even after they pass away, their quirks and interests stay with us and remind us of their love for us.

This dad certainly found a unique way to stay a part of his children’s lives even after his passing. Hopefully, his little symbol of good luck rubbed off on his kids too. If this doesn’t warm your heart, we don’t know what will.
Much of parenthood is a thankless task where you only get to see the results of your mostly unappreciated labor years later. Yet, perhaps because of that, it requires a unique level of selflessness. Just look at what this father did.

Spending nearly an hour in this position could not have been comfortable at all. But, this dad did it — knowing that it would make his daughter’s flight even just a little better. We hope he got a “thank you” hug once they landed.
Best Ren Fair Ever!
What’s better than going to the local Renaissance Fair, dressing up, playing games, and seeing the cool shows? Doing all of that in your amazingly creative grandparents’ backyard! That way you’re surrounded by people you love. Plus, there are no lines or crowds anywhere.

Seriously, these grandparents are incredible for creating this amazing fun day for their grandkids and giving their actual child a bit of a vacation! This setup must have taken hours of thought and effort that they were only too happy to put in to make sure everyone enjoyed their day at the Ren Fair.
Care Package
Repeat after us — you’re never too old to be loved and cared for by your parents! Just ask your own parents, they’ll tell you that it doesn’t matter if you’re five or 50, you’ll always be their baby.

This poster even has proof of that with the snacks they received in the mail! We always knew that love was as sweet as a Pop-Tart. With all the sugar in this package, this poster isn’t likely to forget that sentiment any time soon.
Return to Innocence
One of the most wholesome trends the internet has produced in recent years has to be recreating old childhood photos as adults. This submission to the trend has to be one of the cuter ones we’ve seen.

What a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday — by looking back to how it started. Clearly, these two still have the incredible connection that they shared when the son was born. What a beautiful memory to cherish, twice!
The Scientific Method
As every good scientist knows, a hypothesis is nothing without some hands-on experimentation to check the validity of your claim. This four-year-old’s dad made sure his kid is all ready to take on CalTech by storm.

This is certainly one wholesome and funny way to entertain your toddler when you’re currently the only semi-responsible adult around. If dad is in charge of teaching physics, does that mean mom has taken on bioengineering lessons?
When we’re young, we rely on our parents to help us with anything and everything, especially when it comes to school work. But, as we grow up, we also kind of grow out of their knowledge comfort zone.

Of course, that’s natural, especially when we go to university and learn about things they might have never even heard of. Still, this mom is willing to work extra hard to support her daughter in her education, even if it means reading complete gibberish.
Do you know what the ‘80s and ‘90s kids had instead of a sweet cat or a lazy dog? We had virtual pets, in the form of Tamagotchis! Honestly, though, as children, they definitely felt as time-consuming as real animals.

The fact that this mom kept her daughters’ tech pets alive and well for them is definitely proof of her endless love for her children. We do hope that she also found some enjoyment in taking care of these toys.
Best Friends Forever
Here’s one surefire way to make sure your kid will be a comics (and tigers) fan for life — name him after a cartoon character and give him an awesome stuffed sidekick/best friend/adventure buddy.

Hopefully, this kid will be just as philosophically savvy and as hilariously wild as his fictional counterpart. Judging by the amount of effort that was put into this Hobbes doll, it seems that at least grandma is excited to meet her brand new grandkid.
Maleficent the Magnificent
This parent’s post is doubly precious, in our opinion! Firstly, they clearly spent a ton of time and effort in creating this masterpiece of a costume! This looks like a professional film outfit and that’s amazing!

Secondly, they are absolutely ecstatic that their son wants to dress up for Halloween as a girl character! Truthfully, cosplay and costumes shouldn’t have any gender, and this parent clearly gets that.
Little Buddy
The best parents are always there to help and support you every step of the way — on your best days and your worst. But, each loving parent has their own unique way to show that much-needed encouragement.

This dad is clearly the creative type. Using a 3D printer to create an adorably tiny elephant to help your kid out of a funk certainly requires quite a bit of artistic flair. Honestly, we think he should sell those little guys to every teen to have while they study.
Return Investment
With the housing market so wild in recent years, many young people choose to stay with their parents as it’s bound to be cheaper, even if they’re asked to chip in with rent and utilities.

This mom, though, went above and beyond. Not only did she teach her son how to properly manage his spending when he was young, but she has also now taught him the value of investing — both time and money — in your loved ones!
Jack of All Manly Things
A parent’s first and most important job (other than making sure their kid has everything they need to survive and possibly thrive), is to teach their kid how to be an independent adult in the future. For those planning on driving, car maintenance should definitely be one of those lessons.

This dad isn’t only making sure his kid knows what to do in case he needs to change a tire, but he also does it in a way that builds up his son’s confidence and encourages him. This is what manhood is all about.
The Best Day
Sometimes, the best bonding opportunities between parents and their kids happen by happy accident — and if you don’t learn to notice and appreciate them when they come along, you might miss out on an incredible memory.

These two are definitely good at seeing and appreciating those special moments together. We just love how what might have been an inconvenience has turned into an amazing experience for both of them. So sweet!
Thanks, Internet Dad!
We all need a kind ear and some good advice every once in a while, especially from our parents. An unlikely place to find that has to be the internet, where wholesome life advice is often overshadowed by so much bad content.

After reading this, we’ll definitely be working hard to find kind and sweet life partners that would make our adoptive internet dad proud! This man is clearly a national treasure and should be loved and appreciated forever.
Courage comes in a lot of forms, and it’s a parent’s job to make sure that their kid knows when courage means being daring, and when it means being cautious. In both cases, though, bravery really just means being true to yourself and your needs.

This dad definitely knows how to make sure his child is comfortable making the best decision for themself, whatever it may be. We absolutely agree with Glennon — this is some good parenting!
Need a Ride?
If there’s one thing in life we can rely on, it’s how steadfast good parents are. No matter where you are or what you need, they’ll be there with a kind word and a warm hug. Or, with a car to take you home from the airport…

While it seems that @Mudraaah isn’t all that great at picking boyfriends, she’s definitely gotten lucky in the parent department. We absolutely love that he was there, just on the off chance that his kid did end up needing him.
A Winning Strategy
Family game night is a beloved and cherished tradition in many families. While some have a cool and light approach to it, other families can get seriously competitive about the whole thing. Clearly, this dad is really passionate when it comes to winning.

We bet this kid suggested a game their dad has never played in the hopes of finally winning against their seriously competitive father. This dad, however, has come prepared to beat his kid in a perfectly friendly game of Risk.
Father of the Bride
Weddings are definitely some of the most emotional times for both the couple getting married and their families. So, this time of elevated emotions is a great occasion to be reminded of how loved you are by your parents.

Thanks to this wonderful photographer, this bride and her father can forever cherish the amazingly beautiful and touching moment when he saw his little girl in her wedding dress for the first time. We just love the sheer joy that this photo captures.
Banana Baby
Some parents are harsh and disciplined, others are soft and encouraging, and some turn into complete goofballs the moment they hold their baby for the very first time. This dad clearly fits into that last category.

Beyond looking absolutely hysterical in their twin banana suits (anyone else getting Bananas in Pajamas flashbacks?), this daddy-daughter duo is absolutely adorable! After all, a family who cosplays as fruit together sticks together.
Best Pool Ever
In the summer heat, one of the best ways to get your kids to cool off is to get them a little blow-up pool for the backyard. Thankfully, most convenience stores carry them during the hot months.

But, if you really want to make a splash in your neighborhood, getting this amazing kiddie pool is definitely the way to go. Just look how excited this kid is to hose down any imaginary fire that comes their way!
Families are often complicated, with some members choosing to leave while others opt to stick around. This complexity can often lead a child to feel unwanted and unloved. Thankfully, this girl had someone who decided to hang on tight.

We love that she understands the gravity and importance of the choice that her stepdad made in being her dad and loving her as if she was his biological daughter. Thank you to all the amazing step-parents out there!
A Taste of Home
Celebrating the holidays on your own for the first time can take some serious adjustments. Especially, when you just aren’t able to recreate those precious childhood holiday memories without your family.

This poster’s mom, though, simply refused to let her kid give up on some much-needed holiday cheer. She managed to bring a little Christmas magic to her kid in an incredibly beautiful and wholesome way.
Breaking the Cycle
It seems like having your own kid to suddenly deal with brings about basically every childhood trauma that you’ve had and been working very hard to ignore. It can be especially hard to rewire how to respond to mistakes when you were never allowed to make any.

This mom is clearly very proud of her calm and loving response to her kid making a terrible mess — as she absolutely should be! While it’s a long, uphill battle to detangle this past pain, this woman is clearly willing to put in the work!
Keeping Warm
It seems that it’s not just parents and grandparents that can be super wholesome adult role models for people. Parents-in-law are just as sweet and loving toward their children-in-law, and we absolutely love to see that!

This mother-in-law went above and beyond to make sure her son-in-law stayed warm, despite the cold weather. The fact that she knitted those fuzzy socks herself is just the cherry on top of an already pretty wholesome cake.
Story Time
The best parents find ways to spend time with their children, even when it feels almost impossible to make the time. A favorite shared hobby in families is reading with a parent. This father didn’t give up on his story duties even far from home.

We love that he didn’t care that everyone around in the waiting area could hear him make silly voices as he read to his kids through the phone. This is a man who knows what the most important thing at that moment is!
Waiting Up
It seems that parents don’t just suddenly stop worrying about you the second you turn 21. In fact, if they could, they would probably do their best to keep their eyes on you until you’re 100!

Looks like the only family member that ended up being strong enough to stay up so late was the cat! We do appreciate these parents doing their best to ward off sleep just a little longer. Aren’t they absolutely adorable?
The Best Cakes Are Homemade
When you’re strapped for cash, birthdays can feel like a huge burden, especially when there’s an expectation of big gifts and other fancy treats. But, the truth is that real birthday joy comes from having your friends and family surround you with love.

This dad definitely understands this truth. The effort to make his kid’s big day special absolutely counts more than any store-bought cake could have! Plus, that cake is seriously impressive — he has a bright future in cake-making!
Flight Buddy
We all need a hand to hold or a security blanket to hug at times. Yes — even adult parents. So, what’s a better comfort item than one made by a loving family member, especially a child?

It certainly helped this dad fight through his fear of flight — and for 43 years no less! We just can’t get over what a beautiful symbol of love this little doll is for both the father and his now-adult child.
Party Time
For those of us who have a pet, that sweet little animal can become such a major part of our world that it’s practically a member of our family. That means they should be just as celebrated as anyone else.

This doggy’s grandparents definitely went all out to celebrate their grand-dog’s birthday with friends, treats, and even some party favors and decorations! How can we get an invite to sweet creature’s next birthday?! This looks absurdly fun!
It isn’t always easy for parents to keep track of their kids’ current obsessions. But, in the case of those yellow little cartoon characters, it’s been hard to miss how excited every kid in the world gets over them.

This dad took his kid’s love extremely seriously and created matching costumes for them to wear to the movies! How adorable are these two? They better win a costume contest with the thought and effort that was put into these! Did you see their goggles!?
Grandpa Santa
Have we already said that grandparents are the best? They’re basically super parents because they’ve been through the whole process at least twice — once with their kid, and then with their kid’s kid! This grandpa is definitely willing to go all out for his granddaughter.

We love his absolute commitment to authenticity by growing his own bushy white beard instead of getting some fake facial hair! This little girl is going to have the best Christmas ever after she sees this!
Our baby clothes might not mean all that much to us, but they hold a special place in our parents’ hearts. It reminds them of when we were brand new to the world and didn’t talk back to them.

Joking aside, this dress must have been incredibly sentimental for this poster’s mom, if she had kept it for so many years — and in such good condition, too. It must have been incredibly touching to see her grandkid wear that same outfit!
Ready, Set, Go!
A great technique to motivate kids is to turn things, like chores or homework, into a game. But, with a family like this, it seems that every day is a joyful game!

This dad definitely knows how to make loving each other fun! Plus, it must have been really fun for this mom to see all her boys run toward her at break-neck speeds. This is one race where everyone’s the winner!
Words of Encouragement
Sometimes, we have preconceived notions in our minds about what we can or can’t do, but they’re rarely based on reality. That’s what happened with the OP’s son, who believed that boys can’t do ballet.

Like most kids who think they can’t do something, he just needed some words of encouragement and a bit of a confidence boost. Luckily, this wholesome mom was up for the task, and she’s now the proud mama of a male ballerina!
Seeing the Signs
Usually, the people who know you the best are your parents. This dad was so in tune with who his daughter was that he knew even before she did! This young girl may have thought that she had a big secret to reveal, but her father was simply waiting patiently for her to be ready to share.

Good on him for not pressuring his kid, and waiting until she brought it up. We have no doubt that this young woman was proud of her dad’s reaction.
Meet Mr. Dad
The OP really shouldn’t downplay this huge moment he’s been waiting for for years now. Keep that big, goofy smile! Good on him for not pressuring his stepson and waiting until the boy was ready to call his stepfather ‘dad.’

As for the kid, we’re really happy to see that he’s gotten so close with the OP that he sees him as a proper father figure. This is exactly what a beautiful blended family should look like!
Humans are capable of great works of art and gripping stories. Unfortunately, we are also capable of absolutely embarrassing ourselves with things we think are cool, but are really a sin so cringy that it hurts everyone just to read about it. That’s ironic, because we’re about to share some of those text messages that are so bad they are literally painful to experience.