30+ Moments Where People Had Complete Mind Blanks

People Share Their Mind Blanks

Nowadays, almost everyone has a really busy life. Of course, the busier you are and the more things you have to shuffle, the more tired you can get at times. That leads to those moments that we all have where our brain seems to short-circuit, causing us to draw a complete blank! These people all shared times their brains just didn’t cooperate with them.

A Classic Mind Blank

There are some mind blanks that we all experience. Yet, it doesn’t seem to take the sting of embarrassment out when you catch yourself.

A Classic Mind Blank

Like many people, this person was just trying to be polite with the workers they interacted with as they got ready to see a movie. The only problem is that they aren’t really there to enjoy a movie like you are. Honestly, this mind blank probably happens quite often, so we assume they’re used to it.

No, I’ll Pass

When you work serving food, there are certain questions you might start to ask on autopilot. For instance, warning about allergies or asking if they need anything with their meal.

No, I’ll Pass

If this person was ordering coffee, they’d probably appreciate the consideration for creamer and sugar. However, you don’t usually add these things to their water. This mind blank probably made this customer wonder if this is how the server took their water.

A Little Stuck Here

There are a lot of things you can tackle in any order you please. In other cases, you might want to consider your approach.

A Little Stuck Here

For example, you don’t really have to worry about where you start if you’re painting a single wall. If you’re painting something like the floor or steps, though, you’ll want to consider where you’ll end up to avoid a situation like this where this person was stuck… literally watching paint dry.

Are You Impressed?

When you see someone you’re attracted to, you might be tempted to show off a little and see if you can impress them. That’s what this person wanted to do.

Are You Impressed?

They managed to get the 400 pounds up off the ground. The only probably was that it cost him quite a bit. For one, the weight threw out his back, which is awfully painful. Secondly, usually, people don’t want to pass gas in front of a crush.