40+ Deeply Infuriating Photos of Trashy People Doing Trashy Things in Public
Who Did This!?
It can be a really special moment when someone can finally celebrate getting pregnant after having trouble doing so. This coworker knew that!
They even went out of their way to grab their coworker a few personal cakes that they could celebrate with. The only problem was that someone else in the office took some initiative too — the initiative to take a single bite from each in a horrific case of stolen office snacks.
A Lot of Requirements
Weddings, while they can be fun, tend to be stressful. After all, they take a lot of planning and coordination to come together. So, we can see how a list of rules for a wedding could be helpful.
However, these rules go over the line into some really trashy requirements. Not only does this email outline outrageous concepts like heavily restricting appearances and monetary minimums on gifts, but it’s also especially weird that no one is allowed to address the bride.
Gotta Catch ‘Em All!
There are some things that you simply shouldn’t take all of. For instance, the weights are set out at a gym for all of the patrons to share.
This person seemed to have other ideas, though. Instead of taking one weight at a time, they decided they would just go ahead and grab them all. They just have them piled up under the bench too — they aren’t even using them!
“Unkind Couple”
Halloween is a great chance to score some free candy. However, you have to understand that not everyone participates in the holiday — it’s their choice.
It looks like one trick-or-treater’s parents weren’t happy with this couple opting out that year. At moments, the note seems overwhelmingly passive-aggressive but when you notice that it’s addressed to an “unkind couple,” you realize that it’s mostly just aggressive. We have to wonder — did they do this to every house that didn’t answer?
There are times that you see someone doing something and you just have to wonder how they could even be so rude. Yet, it seems that there are plenty of people who have no problem acting trashy, no matter who else their inconveniencing. Each of these individuals astounded and even upset onlookers with their actions.