There’s a Catch
Okay, so we know that not everyone is cool about buying things that their girlfriend or wife needs. This judgment goes the other way too.

This cashier said outright that if you bring a box of pads or tampons to the register and you’re not feminine presenting, they’re probably going to guess you’re shopping for someone else. When people make it into a bigger deal than it needs to be, this person judges.
Morning Joe
There are plenty of people who can’t function without their morning coffee. Working at a coffee shop, you fill a wide range of orders for a drink it seems everyone takes differently.

This person couldn’t help but cringe at this coffee order. There’s nothing wrong with a large coffee or tea, but this much cream and sugar is enough to wake you up and rot your teeth. We hope she likes her coffee sweet!
Candy Preferences
We all have our favorites when it comes to food. With a lot of people sharing opinions on food, it’s easy for certain options to get a reputation as unappealing.

While this can vary depending on your tastes, most people agree that circus peanuts are an odd candy. Still, they wouldn’t keep making them if no one was buying them. That doesn’t mean that this cashier won’t judge you on your way through.
A Horrible Fate
Cashiers at pet stores are likely to make more of a note of your purchases than the cashiers you run into at a convenience or grocery store. As for this person, it was inappropriate habitats for animals that got to them.

If you’re going to have a pet, you need to provide for it. Shoving a fish into an undersized bowl or keeping your hamster in too close of quarters, are things cashiers judge, especially when you have a flimsy excuse like this.
In This Packaging?
There are some things that your cashier won’t judge you for, per se. However, they’d definitely internally groan when they saw it coming down the conveyor belt.

It wasn’t the idea of buying cheese in bulk that upset them. After all, who hates cheese? It was the fact that people bought them individually that created so much more work for the cashier that it made them roll their eyes at this purchase.
Sounds a Bit Dry
Like any other food we’ve talked about or will talk about, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this order. Still, it’s this cashier’s least favorite order to fill.

Once again, there’s nothing wrong with rye bread or roast beef. In general, those ingredients aren’t red flags for this cashier. It was what this customer left out that left them wondering. With just these two ingredients, isn’t the sandwich a little dry?
Turning a Profit
In high school, this person had their first experience as a cashier at a local grocery store. That store just happened to be close to an organic bakery. This popularity came with high profits.

Those profits seemed even higher when this person noticed exactly how these organic cupcakes were made. We have to wonder if anyone else in town caught onto the trick. That’s a lot to charge for each individual cupcake!
What a Combination!
Boba drinks are a fun way to try new and different flavor combinations and enjoy that pleasant boba texture. Usually, the combinations are up to you.

That doesn’t mean that you won’t make the cashier taking your order raise an eyebrow. After all, some flavors just don’t really sound good together. As for this cashier, any coffee or chocolate drinks paired with fruit flavors didn’t sound appealing at all.
Remember These?
Some things seem to pop up everywhere overnight. There are plenty of examples of these fads, but some really stick in your brain.

If you’ve ever worked as a cashier, you probably remember a fad item or two you had to ring up a thousand or so times. For this exhausted cashier, it was those bracelets that promised to heal people or make them better athletes thanks to magnets, somehow.
A Little Help Here?
It’s not always what you buy that cashiers judge you for. As a matter of fact, your actions can speak louder than items.

When it came to this cashier, it was customers who skipped out on the divider between their goods and the person in front of them that bugged them. It’s even worse when these people don’t use the divider and then get upset that their stuff got confused with someone else’s.
Cashiers With Questions
There are some products that, when you boil it down to basics, it’s all in the marketing. At the end of the day, most bottled water is basically water. Of course, according to many people, there are some slight differences in flavor despite it just being water.

However, this person couldn’t help but wonder why people were constantly willing to spend twice or three times as much for “organic” water which, as they explain, is just water.
Um, What?
If you work at a store like Spencer’s, you’re probably used to people buying all sorts of things. For the most part, it becomes part of the job and you just move on.

There are a few things that can still give your cashier pause, though. Namely, books full of love spells. While they didn’t believe in them, the concept of doing something to force someone to love you wasn’t a great sign to this cashier.
Already Used
When you work in a retail store that caters to a specific industry like makeup, you pick up quite a few facts and opinions about the industry you work in. This person wasn’t going to judge anyone on their looks but they were worried about their mascara choice.

It wasn’t necessarily that it was a cheap or low-quality choice but the fact that, believe it or not, this mascara has no tamper-evident packaging, meaning it could be used by someone else first.
Are You Alright?
Is judgment the right word for this scenario? Well, probably not. However, it did raise a lot of questions for this cashier. Buying a laxative is something we all have to do.

Yet, you usually don’t need 32 bottles, maybe even in your whole lifetime. Furthermore, this person wasn’t just buying in bulk, they were buying in bulk for the week and then coming back to stock up just a week later.
No Points for Comfort
Lingerie is one of those things that we worry about buying. After all, we often think of it as a risque item that the cashier might judge us for. This cashier didn’t really care about the pattern. You should wear whatever makes you feel good!

On the other hand, they were a little shocked when they grabbed the garment and realized it was made out of the most uncomfortable fabric they could imagine for such an intimate garment.
Raising a Red Flag
There are times when you head to the store and, even if you’ve never been a cashier, it’s easy to tell that the cashier has some questions for you.

We’re not sure what exactly these two were cosplaying as but this collection of items will send any crime/mystery fan to a harrowing conclusion. This cashier wasn’t afraid to ask the couple exactly what they were doing and if they needed to be stopped.
Not Everyone’s Style
There are some clothes for sale that you love and some you can’t imagine why anyone would ever buy. When it comes down to it, everyone has different tastes.

As a cashier, this person saw some products that they thought would never actually reach the checkout line. However, they did end up ringing up a few pairs of Batman boxers. That wasn’t necessarily what was odd – it was the attached cape that really made them judge.
It’s Your Money, I Guess
We all know how odd it is to sell organic water. After all, that label doesn’t really mean anything. However, that’s not the only type of water that cashiers might wonder why you would bother buying.

After all, at the end of the day, it’s the same thing as any other water. Plus, Starbucks offers water for free, so why pay for water at all?
Convenience Store Food
When you’re out late at night and nothing’s open, convenience stores and gas stations usually still have the lights on and might even have what you need. That being said, some of the food that gas stations and convenience stores offer are things most people avoid.

A spicy gas station burrito sounds like it could have consequences. Also, we can only wonder how the half-and-half comes into play. He must really like it if he comes back every night!
A Weekend Treat
This one isn’t quite a judgment. It’s up to you what you buy and a single washer clearly isn’t anything too scandalous. After working somewhere for a while, though, you get to know the regular customers in town.

For this cashier, the customer who stood out the most was this guy who came in for a single washer every week. It seemed like an unnecessary trip every week when he could just buy a bag.
Not My Fault!
When you stop for gas, you usually don’t dawdle. You probably pay at the pump or run inside and then work on filling up your tank. There’s a reason for this!

Other than holding up the line, the whole transaction is dependent on you starting to pump your gas right after you pay. If you wait too long, the transaction cancels itself. Even worse, it’s usually followed by an unwarranted tirade toward the cashier.
That’s Too Many
We’ve discussed this time and time again – if you buy any item in big enough bulk, you’re going to make your cashier start to wonder what exactly you’re doing.

Once again, this is true for even the most mundane items. For instance, $300 will get you an absolutely ridiculous amount of potatoes. We wonder if he was planning to offer dinner to his family, friends, and community, or if he was just a big fan of the food.
A Grocery Staple
If you don’t work as a cashier at a grocery store, you probably don’t pay much attention to the other people shopping and what they’re buying. You’re focused on your own groceries.

As a cashier, you start to notice patterns that you don’t see until you’re ringing up everyone’s carts. This person couldn’t help but notice that out of everything in the store, bananas seemed to be a common denominator among shoppers.
Getting Your Gossip
Once you’ve bought all of your groceries and you jump in line, you have a chance to buy a few last-minute things. Most stores have options like candy, drinks, and magazines up front. Of course, not every magazine is made the same or is honest.

Tabloids and gossip magazines aren’t always known for being the most respectful or sensitive. It seems that the fastest way to get this cashier to judge you is to grab a copy of the National Enquirer.
Why Ask Me?
When you work in the retail business, you often have to do more than just ring up the customers. You’ll probably have to face a couple of questions here or there.

This guy was wondering if he should get his wife a box of hair dye for Mother’s Day. Seeing how this could potentially backfire, the cashier advised against it. Apparently, despite the fact that it might seem a bit insulting, he went ahead with the purchase anyway.
Okay, Man
It’s not just when you’re buying things that cashiers judge you. How you behave when you ask for help with a return will also garner some judgment.

When this guy came to make a return, the first problem was that he didn’t have any proof of purchase to go with most of the items. While this might have been a “hassle-free” store, that really goes for when you have the right information. Not to mention, it also doesn’t mean that the cashier needs you to be the hassle.
Buying Dishes
If you head into a china shop, you’re probably looking for some pretty fancy dishware. Still, this cashier couldn’t help but wonder if everything was worth the price.

In particular, there were a couple of expensive dishes that cost more than most people would ever dream of even being able to spend on one casserole dish. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the only way they could describe their most expensive dishes was with the word “gaudy.”
Not Great for You or the Planet
We get advertised a lot of products over the course of our lives. The only problem is that not every product is everything that it promises.

Remember those exfoliating face scrubs that had little beads to get the job done? The bad news is that those “exfoliating” beads were just microplastics. In other words, they aren’t that great for you or the planet. This cashier couldn’t stand them.
Maybe Give Her Some Privacy?
There are some things in life that happen that you’re really blindsided by and don’t know how to handle. When this family came in and made their purchase, they were clearly upset.

It wasn’t the fact that this teen needed a pregnancy test or that her family came in with her, it was how the family handled things after the purchase that surprised the cashier. Not worried about privacy at all, they let the whole thing play out right then and there.
Other Options
When you have a pest problem in your home, you probably want to deal with it fast. Luckily, you have a range of options when it comes to traps.

There are many different types of traps. Some let you catch the animal rather humanly before letting it go somewhere that isn’t in your house. This person couldn’t help but judge a little when people opted for options that were less humane.
We Need the Whole Story
Some purchases are enough to confuse a cashier for years to come. This is another case of someone taking some time to stock up on something specific. The 50 cases of maple syrup weren’t the only things that left this cashier questioning.

It was the whole situation from a bigger-picture perspective. The fact that this guy looked like he’d been in a fight, not about to make a load of pancakes, left this person wondering.
General Stocking Up
There are quite a few bulk items that can really make your cashier scratch their head. Again, what are you doing with 50 cases of maple syrup? This cashier summed it all up.

It doesn’t matter what it is or what it’s used for, they’re curious every time they see someone buying in extreme bulk. This doesn’t mean stocking up for a big family. They specifically mean coming in to only buy one item in bulk.
Watcha Doing With That, Bud?
Listen, there are some things that people buy and they buy something else with it. This way, maybe it’ll get lost in the shuffle of all two things they’re buying.

It’s a clear and familiar behavior that cashiers are aware of. Given the two things that this guy picked up, though, they couldn’t help but stifle a giggle at what exactly that I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter will be used for.
Don’t Get Me Sick
There are some judgments that people make before they learn more about the product. If someone’s buying Pedialyte, odds are they might have an upset stomach. As someone with emetophobia, this person wasn’t looking to get sick.

So, while they definitely couldn’t blame anyone for having an upset stomach, they did get more than a little worried about catching something from the customers. We imagine it might be a risk if you interact with so many customers every day.
Literally Any of It
When you work somewhere long enough, you might grow used to what people buy. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to like the place you work in. Sears was once on top of the world.

However, it’s lost a lot of its popularity over the years. At this point, this person was a little judgmental of anyone who came in and bought anything from the store. We wonder if this is how they felt about all Sears or just the one they’ve been in for a while.
That’s Not How This Works
This is another case of a cashier starting to judge you not for what you buy, but for your behavior when you purchase it. Let’s get one thing straight – when your cashier checks you out, they don’t actually have control over the prices.

So, if you try to make a deal and haggle with the cashier, you’re probably not going to be offered the deal you think you’re going to get. It’s honestly just annoying.
Working in Customer Service
Working in retail means more than just selling items. You might have to work at coordinating returns that customers bring back as well. This person heard all sorts of reasons for people returning their items, but one really took the cake.

One woman came in one day asking to return some soil she’d purchased. Why? Well, as it turns out, they might come with bugs that are apparently, in her opinion, bad for the soil.
It’s Not About What You Buy
This cashier really sums it all up. You can load up the conveyor belts with the weirdest products and this cashier probably won’t care. It’s the way you act that’s really what this person pays attention to.

Are you being rude to the other customers as you shop? Did you yell at a cashier for not taking your coupon, or having a problem with your payment method? That’s what your cashier will remember.
Most Don’t Care
Honestly, being a cashier is a difficult job. On top of that, you spend all day ringing things up. Doesn’t it all start to blur together?

According to this cashier, it really does. Their contribution is a comforting one. Your cashiers don’t really care what you buy and they probably forget later that day.
Thanks, TLC
If you’re a fan of reality TV, you’ve probably turned to TLC more than once. This network once hosted the show Extreme Couponing. There was definitely a demographic for this and it might have ruined some cashier’s shifts for a little while.

The goal? Use coupons as strategically and excessively as possible to get the most stuff for the lowest cost. It’d be more helpful if it wasn’t just used to buy a few random products in bulk.
Not All Bad Judgement
Okay, so the word “judge” tends to have a negative connotation. However, some of the purchases cashiers see lead them to a positive judgment.

As odd as it seems, there are plenty of men out there who are embarrassed to even be seen buying their girlfriends a box of feminine hygiene products. So, this cashier was always happy to see someone who broke the mold and was mature about it.
Just for Fun
Given that this is such a taxing job, cashiers probably try to make things a little less boring when they can. As a response to this, this cashier admits that they judge just about everyone that comes through.

Not necessarily in a negative light, though, they just try making up stories in their head to pass the time. It breaks up the monotony a bit and makes things a little more bearable.
Working at Petco
When you work somewhere like Petco, you might feel that your retail decisions carry a lot more weight. After all, you’re selling live animals. When it comes to fish, there are a few rules here.

If the cashiers notice someone who doesn’t prepare for their new pets are the ones who are back for new ones shortly thereafter, or if they have a suspicion that something happened to your fish due to negligence, they won’t only judge you, they’ll do what they can to stop it from happening again.
On Priorities
There are some instances in which you get a lot of stuff up to the counter and you can’t afford it all. While embarrassing, your cashier probably isn’t judging you for being on a tight budget.

However, when you have the moment of assessing to see what you put back, that decision might get some judgment from the cashier. This one was shocked to see this man opt to leave behind the children’s cold and flu medicine over literally any other grocery item.
Being a cashier isn’t easy. Just like any customer service position, you have to deal with a lot throughout the day. You might also form opinions based on your new perspective in your local grocery store or restaurant. These cashiers all shared the things that they judge people for buying, for better or for worse.