20+ “Normal” Things in Our Society That Are Actually Pretty Weird

What defines "normal"? Ultimately, it's whatever a group of people decide it is. If enough people consider something normal, it's generally considered as such.

But let's be honest: even if a bunch of people think something is normal, it can often still be very weird.

Many of the things society considers normal today are very odd if you think about them for a moment, and this list will cover some of the best examples.

A Waste of Good Food

Food is very precious. We need it to survive, to thrive. Yet, even though it's so valuable, an absurd amount of it gets thrown away every day in our society, totally wasted, never to be consumed.

It's weird but completely normal in our society.

A Waste of Good Food

Granted, some of that food has to be thrown away for safety reasons, but we're pretty certain that a lot of it could still be used, even if it wasn't the freshest food around.

Fast food restaurants waste a lot of it.

Trying to Make Bank

We all need to make money to live. We all have skills and hobbies that we like. So, it makes sense to us that many people would try to turn their skills or hobbies into a way to make money.

There's no better way to make money than with something you like.

Trying to Make Bank

That said, maybe it is a little weird. Some skills and hobbies probably aren't worth trying to monetize.

Is your homemade bracelet really going to help make ends meet? Maybe not, but at the same time, a little extra money doesn't hurt.

Celebrity Culture

Now, this is definitely something that we can agree with. Our society places way too much emphasis on celebrities, focusing on what they're doing, saying, or thinking down to an unhealthy degree.

Entire groups of people make decisions based on what celebrities are doing.

Celebrity Culture

It's kind of nuts the more you think about it. Why should we care what someone thinks or does just because they sing or act well?

It's so silly that celebrities are treated like gods.

Whose Side Are You On

Social media is more popular and widespread now than it ever was before, and some aspects of it have been normalized even though they're objectively quite weird.

For instance, on social media, when a big issue comes up, not commenting on is going to reflect badly on you.

Whose Side Are You On

People have been labeled as haters just because they didn't say something about some post somewhere, which is pretty crazy.

Unfortunately, with how big social media is right now, the things that have been normalized about it won't change anytime soon.