40+ Photos of Mega Objects That Will Bring Out the Megalophobia in All of Us

This article appeared in www.thedaddest.com and has been published here with permission.
Photos of Mega Objects to Trigger Your Megalophobia

Phobias are very common. Different objects, animals, or situations cause people to feel scared. From having a phobia of spiders and darkness to being terrified of being in tight spaces, these fears may be irrational but are real nonetheless. There are hundreds of recognized phobias, and megalophobia is one of them. This fear can extend to anything that’s naturally or unnaturally big. It may include statues, waterfalls, and aquatic animals. Here are some pictures that may make megalophobes pretty scared.

The Mola Mola Fish

The mola mola fish is one of the largest bony fish in the world. It’s also called the Ocean Sunfish, which many megalophobes may consider too kind a name for a fish of that size. Adults generally weigh between 540 to 2,200 pounds.

The Mola Mola Fish

However, the heaviest one recorded weighed a whopping 6,0489 pounds, which is more than the full starting lineup of an American football team. Megalophobes everywhere will be glad to know that the mola mola prefers feeding on jellyfish, small fish, eelgrass, and crustaceans.

Not Your Ordinary Wind

When looking at this picture, it’s very easy to miss the wind turbines on the right-hand side. Do you see them now? Now, look at the tornado on the left. In comparison, the wind turbines look like playthings.

Not Your Ordinary Wind

With an average wind turbine being about 280 ft (80 meters), it’s scary to think about the actual height of that tornado. Indeed, Mother Nature is a force to be reckoned with. One thing’s certain, though: whoever took this picture can teach us a thing or two about being brave.

Dwarfed by a Tree

Humans can create huge objects and structures, but can we outdo Mother Nature? Apparently, not. This gigantic tree was found on a beach in La Push, a small community in Washington State.

Dwarfed by a Tree

The tree probably fell off a cliff and was carried by the water. Now, that’s what you call driftwood. The washed-up tree is over 200 ft long and 13 ft around the trunk. This tree was one of the dozens of trees washed up on the beach.

Not a Dementor

Potterheads everywhere are familiar with what dementors look like and what dreadful creatures they are. This massive thing floating in the sky certainly looks like a dementor. Looking more closely, one can see that it’s a kite shaped like a squid.

Not a Dementor

Megalophobe or not, anyone would be scared if they saw this thing floating above their house. Pictures like this help us better understand why some people have megalophobia.