35 Everyday Items From the Early 1900s vs How They Look Today

Technology has greatly improved over the last century, and the form of many products has changed massively from what they used to be. Check out 35 everyday items from the early 20th century and see just how different they look today!


Tractors are among the most important farm equipment for large scale farming. As expected, the tractors we have today are far more sophisticated from what was used in the 1900s. The wheels of the modern-day tractors are bigger, with the cab having glass covering, thereby making the operator much more comfortable and safe. Farming is much easier than it used to be in the past millennium.



The word “banana,” which is thought to be of West African origin, fires up a mouth-watering sensation and an immediate appetite. The original bananas are thought to have been cultivated for about 7,000 years, but few of us know that the fruit itself is no longer what it used to be. During its long history, it has been crossbred repeatedly in order to improve its flavor, its look, and its taste. Current varieties look, smell, and taste much better than their ancient relatives.



The old calculators greatly resembled typewriters as they were quite a handful and not so easy to carry around. These calculators were usually utilized for simple calculations as they could not carry out complex scientific tasks. Modern calculators, on the other hand, have much more advanced functions and are quite portable, while being able to complete equations almost instantaneously. They have simpler instructions and produce more complex results.



The history of socks is also ancient. They first appeared in ancient Egypt, and by modern standards, they resembled a pair of cooking gloves for feet. This unusual looking shape comes from the fact that they were worn with sandals. Today, socks are a required clothing item for everyone wearing shoes, boots, or sneakers, because they are excellent at absorbing perspiration. They come in a wide variety of colors and textures and are manufactured in vast quantities.
