What in Tarnation?
We’re going to level with you: this image is hard to look at not because of some arbitrarily bad thing that has befallen someone, but because this an image of what may very well be one of the worst flavors of soda in the world. Just look at it!

Who on Earth would want ranch dressing flavored soda? And for what purpose? It just doesn’t seem like it would be very profitable, which is probably why you never see it sold anywhere. Where did this guy find it? Is it limited edition?
Semantics and Technicalities
Yes, technically this kid isn’t wrong about what his mother told him and what he is actually doing. But who in their right mind chooses to eat food on top of a valuable piece of technology like this, and then make a mess on it besides?

We have little doubt that his mother will be ready to beat him for this. As for us, this isn’t funny so much as it is cringe-inducing, which is of course, another major part of the article. Feel free to indulge, and maybe let your wrath boil a bit.
Practically Worthless
A car is something people often want in a certain color, since they’ll be using it a great deal in most cases. That said, most of us normal people can’t feel any sympathy for someone that complains about getting a Lamborghini in any color, regardless of whether or not they wanted it.

Sure, people are allowed to want things a certain way, but actually condemning parents that will buy you a car this expensive is ridiculous. Then again, maybe getting a Lamborghini for your teenager is ridiculous no matter your wealth.
An Accident Waiting to Happen
On one hand, this is kind of clever. It’s at least a clever way to achieve a goal using only the things that he had available. But on the other hand, this is a terrible idea that we can’t help but cringe over, because we can all feel the looming possibility of that board breaking.

He’s not high enough for it to be a huge danger to him, but either way, this is definitely something we don’t recommend doing if you can help it. It’s just super dangerous and risky, and it would be a hassle to explain at the ER.
Late Night Conundrums
If you live in a certain biome, snow and ice may be a problem. But where does one have to live to have this much ice encroach on their toilet in the middle of the night? Imagine having to go to the bathroom and this is what greets you.

We imagine this would be one of the quickest bathroom trips in history if someone could manage that. We feel a great deal of sympathy for whoever has to live here, and we’re not sure why they would choose to do so willingly. Clearly they need a heater in there.
Well Now It’s Ruined
Here we have another example of someone with far too much entitlement. It has to do with a Lamborghini. Apparently, getting a little bit of water on the car just flat out ruins the whole thing, forcing it to be replaced by a new luxury car.

It’s pretty obvious why we would cringe here: anyone who has a regular income would. We’re not trying to say that all rich kids are entitled, but people with a more average income certainly don’t seem to think this way. Maybe it’s a generalization, but it is a reasonable one.
False Advertising
Anyone who lays eyes on this picture will understand immediately why it makes sense to feel bad for the person who bought this pizza. After all, they were practically robbed here! They should be able to sue or something. Unfortunately, we’re not sure if that would be possible.

Either way, we can feel his rage through the screen and the internet, though we’re sure this picture and happening isn’t exactly recent. Does it really matter though? Even now, we can’t help but feel sympathy for the guy. It’s just pretty rough.
We’ve All Been There
Anyone who has ever enjoyed a Capri Sun has had this situation happen to them, and they’ve probably all made this same face. After all, it’s just such a slap in the face. And after all, why would fate do that to anyone? Surely no one deserves this?

Maybe she should do the age old trick of putting the straw through the bottom. Some consider that heresy, but at least you don’t have to worry about this kind of thing happening. That’s certainly one benefit that is worth considering.
The Great Spill
We feel that Nerds aren’t as popular of a candy as they used to be, but they are still well-liked by a great many people. That said, spilling them all over your car is not something that anyone would find desirable, particularly because they are so small and numerous.

In all honesty, you would have to get a vacuum cleaner or something to really clean this mess with any efficiency. We suppose you could still eat them, but that might feel a little weird or gross, depending on how clean one’s car is.
Drinks for Preschool
What you are seeing here is ice cubes made out of Spaghetti-O’s. Why do they exist? We have no idea. However, we can certainly say, without a shadow of a doubt, that we hate it. Who would be willing to have any drink with this in it? You’d have to drink it really fast to avoid a disgusting result.

One way or another, we just hope this kind of thing isn’t something that would be served to any guests. We don’t think anyone would be overly enticed by this offering. Well, maybe some preschoolers would enjoy it, though we doubt even that.
One for All
It’s all fun and games until it starts raining and you only have one umbrella: and about ten people that need to be kept dry. We can’t help but wonder why they can’t go into one of these nearby buildings, but we’re assuming that they literally can’t, since that would be an obvious solution.

Still, we can’t imagine that this one umbrella is really helping keep them dry, with the exception of the person in the middle who is surrounded by plenty of bodies to keep them dry. At least one of them got lucky.
Literal Theft
You want to cringe? Imagine buying a food item from a store, and they just flat-out rip you off. This microwavable cheeseburger (which is already a travesty) barely even has any cheese on it. We’re kind of curious to know if you could actually file a legitimate complaint over this.

We doubt the store that sold this burger would actually listen, but come on: isn’t this theft or false advertising or something? They owe this person some cents back for that lack of cheese. Every little bit counts!
For All to See
No one ever wants to call the fire department because their head is stuck. It’s just embarrassing. And of course, it doesn’t help when your true friends are around, because your true friends are the types of people who will show your shame to the internet for posterity.

We at least hope that the firefighters manage to keep a serious face even in funny situations like this. After all, it would be pretty mortifying if even the emergency officials are laughing about it. Maybe they see it enough that they can hold the laughter back.
Interior Decorating
Let this be a lesson to anyone that is transporting paint in their car: make sure those cans are secure, and try to avoid any particularly large bumps! If you fail to follow this advice, your car may end up looking like this poor soul. We feel the cringe, but we aren’t really laughing.

After all, we do understand how much damage this would cause and how much money it would take to repair it. We can only feel sympathy, because car repairs are almost never funny. Well, they can be a little funny, but we try to act more sympathetic.
A Terrible Tragedy
Everyone loves pizza. What we don’t love is when pizza is destroyed and we can’t eat it. This picture is actually pretty popular on the internet, but that doesn’t make us cringe any less every time we see it. This is just such a terrible thing to happen to anyone.

In fact, it’s hard to even find it funny when it’s happening to someone else. In fact, it’s just really, really sad. The death of pizza is something that we should never laugh about, regardless of who it is happening to!
Claimed by Nature
We’re not really sure why this huge swarm of bees decided that the rearview mirror of this car was the perfect place to gather. Was there something on it that they found enticing? Covered in pollen, maybe? Or do they just really not like this car?

Either way, we feel bad for the guy who owns it. Short of a flamethrower or a really powerful water hose, we don’t know how he could reclaim his vehicle from this massive wave of bees that have found issue with his existence. Better get creative, buddy!
Rolling Away
What’s a cringe moment nearly everyone can relate to? How about when the toiler paper you so desperately need slips out of your stall and completely away from you? It’s especially troublesome if you don’t have any other toilet paper to replace what you’ve lost.

Hopefully, the guy that took this picture was a stand-up citizen and returned the toilet paper to the poor soul in that stall. After all, that would be basic human decency, would it not? We certainly think you’d have to be a bad person to ignore his plight.
Places to Be
Some sales are just too good to pass up: and sometimes, you don’t have time to park your car and walk in all leisurely. That’s why this guy had to plow right through the windows and walls to get to his destination on time. In all seriousness, we certainly hope he survived this.

On another note, how much of this does he have to pay for anyway? We suppose that might depend on how culpable he is for the accident. If it was his fault, well, the sum is probably quite a lot, which is nothing to laugh at. We can’t help but cringe.
Happens to the Best of Us
We’ve all been there at least once: you’re eating, you have your phone in your hand, and suddenly it slips out of your grasp and into your food. Now your food has taken a hit, and more importantly, your phone is covered in food that you probably didn’t want there.

At least phones are easy to clean, but if you get some sort of liquid food item on them, that can be a huge problem, especially if it gets in the cracks. That said, who took this picture if the phone is having a picture of it taken?
Cement in the Wound
So, imagine your car gets rear-ended. That’s already a pretty rough state of affairs that no one would particularly look forward to. But imagine that, on top of this, you have been rear-ended by a cement truck, and that truck happens to spill some of that cement over your car.

Needless to say, we can’t help but cringe on behalf of this driver, because his pain is practically palpable. Getting into a fender bender is bad enough, so why did fate have to double down on his misery like this? It’s just unfortunate.
The Sand Guardian, Guardian of the Sand
Getting buried in sand is something that can be fun, which is exactly why we’re willing to cringe for this poor guy, even though we’re laughing at him at the same time. There’s no escape from those seagulls, with all of that sand on top of him.

But hey, he signed up to be the sand guardian, whom Poseidon quivers before. This is all part of the job that one must face. It’s a thankless job, though it does garner some sympathy and some laughs from those around him. Hopefully someone wiped his face at least.
Can’t Do Anything Right
Far be it from us to condemn postal service practices, but you have to admit, they manage to damage a whole lot of goods, some of which happen to be pretty expensive. This guy ordered a product that included tempered glass, and UPS apparently didn’t take note of the “fragile” warning on the box.

Needless to say, there’s a world of pain in waiting for a package to be delivered, only to be disappointed when it finally arrives because someone wasn’t careful with it. We feel for you random internet stranger, we really do. Tough break.
Feeling Some Prejudice
Airline flights have the potential to be pretty frustrating and unappealing. However, the ability to watch movies on the little TVs they give you is a nice way to make the whole experience a little more tolerable. That is, unless, you happen to be the only guy on the plane with no TV.

Did he tick off the pilot? Is that one TV in the shop for maintenance? Either way, it certainly stinks to be this poor guy. We guess he’ll just have to lean on his buddy’s shoulder and watch whatever he’s watching. Assuming his fellow passengers are buddies in the first place.
How Did We Get Here?
Honestly, we’re more confused as to how this situation came about than anything else. Was this car placed on top of a rock intentionally? Why is that rock in the parking lot anyway? Did the car somehow drive on top of it? Frankly, nothing here makes any sense.

But we’re assuming the driver didn’t want his car to be in this position, one way or another. That being said, we feel this is still probably a good entry on this list, as far as the “both hilarious and highly unfortunate” category is concerned.
All About Phrasing
This kid meant well. But considering the state of the country over the past decade or so, he really should have worded this comment about his haircut a little better. After all, anyone would find this particular phrasing a little concerning.

He probably didn’t expect the police to show up, that’s for sure. It’s funny for us, but was probably pretty nerve-wracking for him. That’s why we’re including it as something that both hurts to look at and makes us giggle a little bit.
Quite the Throw
Generally speaking, things shouldn’t be impacting computer screens at high speed if you can help it. Still, you’d think chapstick of all things wouldn’t be that much of a problem. Unfortunately, that may not be the case if your brother throws chapstick like a champ for some reason.

The pain of a broken computer screen is something most of us are all too familiar with, and the very thought of it still makes us cringe. Computer repairs are extremely expensive, you know! Anyone that has to go through that deserves a little sympathy at least.
All in the Details
Shopping for clothes online can be a harrowing experience. Most notably, it’s hard to know how something will really fit or feel on you when you order it online. You don’t get to know until it arrives, either. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out for people.

On the other hand, it can lead to situations that are extremely amusing for people like us, who are just roaming the internet for something to laugh at. This girl’s situation is unfortunate, and we really do feel for her, but we also can’t help but laugh.
A True Minefield
Do we really need to explain why this image would make us cringe? We swear everyone has stepped on a Lego at least once in their life, no exceptions. And that being said, everyone knows exactly how painful and undesirable that is. All of that said, we don’t envy anyone in this situation.

They’ll probably be stepping on Lego pieces for at least the rest of the year, and that’s if they get lucky and really crack down on finding all of them. They’d better dedicate plenty of time to that search if they want to keep their sanity!
Fire in the Hole
Something about the fact that there’s just little footprints left at the site of this ink explosion is even funnier than if the person was still standing there. We cringe, because surely someone lost an entire outfit for good that day, but at the same time, the image is just so funny.

We’re sympathetic, we swear. We just can’t help ourselves. The real question is, who has to clean that mess? Because if it’s the same dude that made it, we do actually start to feel a little worse about the whole ordeal.
We Feel You
Everyone knows that times have been rough lately. Everyone also knows that working while stuck at home has been a real nightmare. Unfortunately, the brave souls who have to risk themselves every day have not received much in the way of compensation or appreciation for their efforts.

And when they do get some sort of appreciation or compensation, it’s never enough. The compensation this worker received is evidence enough of that. We can’t help but feel his pain, but at least corporate acknowledged him at all, right?
They Don’t Care About Us
Sometimes, it’s hard to feel like the people in charge really care. And sometimes, it’s pretty obvious that they actually don’t. Case in point is this guy, who is being charged by his city for something totally outside of his control that’s actually their fault.

We wish we could say that this kind of situation is abnormal, but to be frank, it’s a lot more common than you might believe. That being said, we can’t help but cringe on the behalf of this poor soul from the internet. He’s got it pretty rough.
We Feel Your Pain
We feel for this guy because we can understand the huge pain that losing a car like this is. It’s something many of us fear the possibility of, even when it’s unlikely. And yet, the image is kind of funny, because this guy seems remarkably composed about all of this.

We feel kind of bad for finding any amusement in his suffering, so let’s just say that we really hope he has some great car insurance. If not, then we’ll just have to settle for feeling bad and little else.
So Much for Breakfast
Everyone loves their food, and no one wants to see their food ruined. That’s why you should take this lesson to heart: always tighten the tops of your dispensers! After all, accidentally dumping this much salt on your meal is guaranteed to ruin it.

On the other hand, it does also make us laugh a bit, so there is that. This is one of those situations in which we can find some humor in things, since the bad thing that happened isn’t really terrible on an objective scale. We admit, our sympathy only goes so far.
Get One Thing Right
Speaking of food tragedies, you would expect people to at least be able to follow your order correctly, right? Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. However, it’s unforgivable when it comes to pizza. Imagine paying for an extra topping and this is what you get!

Demand a refund, good sir! You are completely justified in that, without question. We swear we find nothing humorous about your situation whatsoever. Anyone who would find such a tragedy amusing is honestly just a cruel person.
Who Left the Door Open?
You should always close your car door and lock it, but if you live in a place where the weather can cause you some problems, then this is absolutely critical. Otherwise, you may end up like this poor person. We can’t imagine this is good for their car.

We cringe specifically because we can imagine how much of a horrific pain it would be to take care of this problem, never mind how much it could potentially cost for repairs. If you live in a snowy place, then seriously, keep that door closed!
Thanks for Nothing
If you ever need to be reminded that the post office doesn’t really care about you or your packages, just take a look at this. Well, most people knew this terrible truth already, but honestly, they don’t pay much attention to what’s in a package and how it should be treated.

Which, in turn, makes people cringe when they discover their valuable package in a ruined state it never should have been in, if someone would just take a little pride in their work and all of that. Is that really too much to ask?
That’s Going to Leave a Mark: On Your Wallet
Damage to one’s car is something no one ever wants, because repairs to one’s car are almost always an unexpected expense that people weren’t planning on. Needless to say, the situation gets even worse if your car suffers extreme damage like this.

Needless to say, this is a bill that probably cost the driver a ton of money, towing, repairs, possible medical bills: this is the kind of danger that you can encounter when doing off-road driving, and it makes us cringe.
Purity Destroyed
People love their shiny new shoes. They also hate when those shiny new shoes get damaged or dirtied almost immediately. That said, we’re not sure how this guy got his shiny new shoes deep in watery mud. Did he not see the mud? Was he caught in a flash flood?

Either way, we can practically feel and hear his defeated wails at the card that reality has dealt him. Especially since he probably paid some ridiculous sum for those shoes in the first place. Too bad shoe insurance isn’t a thing.
Well Yes, But Actually No
Usually computers can’t make mistakes, but sometimes they do, and when that happens it is very rarely in the favor of the user. In this case, the computer claims the student got something wrong even though he very clearly didn’t. Unfortunately, you can’t really argue to a computer that your answer is right.

We all know how hard school is, and we can all feel that bit of cringe and pain that is school being made even more difficult but totally unnecessary computer problems. Is there anything more frustrating than being penalized for something that is right?
The Party Does Stop
Most people don’t want the party to stop, but sometimes it just does. Usually, it happens because of a terrible accident, like this one right here. Unfortunately for the people in this image, we find it hilarious. It’s not a bad enough thing for us to really feel bad.

After all, everyone was probably laughing after the fact, even if they did have to wash all their clothes and stuff with all that spilled liquid. Sometimes, it’s worth it to laugh at the misfortune of others, assuming that misfortune is mostly harmless.
Summoned by Roaches
If you have to ask someone to prom, there are many ways to go about it. However, this is absolutely not one of the ways you should do it. Ever. No matter what. We’re not going to make a blanket statement like saying all girls despise bugs, but let’s be real: a very large number of them do.

Besides, didn’t this fellow have to hunt all of these bugs down and kill them without destroying their bodies to do this? Isn’t this a whole lot of effort for a lot of cringe that no one in the world would want? We just don’t understand.
Pull Out First
We’ve all thought about the possibility of accidentally leaving the gas station with the pump still in the car. Usually though, it’s just paranoia and it doesn’t actually happen. Unfortunately for this guy, it actually did happen.

This is about what it looks like, and we can feel his pain. Thankfully, it looks like he at least only managed to drive away after the gas was turned off, or the whole ordeal could have been a lot worse, not to mention cost him a lot of money. Does insurance cover that?
He’s Really Trying
We’re going to go right out and say that you shouldn’t cheat on other people. But if you are still going to do it anyway, and you want to apologize for it, we’re also going to go ahead and say that this is not the way to do it, at all.

We suppose it’s better than not making any sort of apology whatsoever, but on the other hand, maybe it would be better to just accept your fate and move on with your life, if this is your idea of a worthwhile apology.
Nothing but Problems
Nobody likes seeing a warning light on their car’s dashboard. After all, it never means anything good, and it almost always means a very expensive repair is on the horizon. That’s why we can’t help but feel extraordinarily bad for this guy.

Yeah, no one is laughing about this one. There’s not a single one of us that would wish this kind of thing on someone. Although, we’ll admit that it’s probably the dude’s fault somehow: lack of maintenance, perhaps? Or did he fake it for this post?
Hate the Player and the Game
Some people have no shame when it comes to trying to court multiple people. It’s shallow and rude, and that’s exactly why we don’t feel too bad for this guy. But even so, we do cringe a little bit looking at the situation that befell him: whether or not he deserved it, it’s impossible to ignore the tragedy.

It just goes to show that you should be a lot more careful when trying to get away with stuff like this, not that we recommend you do that at all. You can avoid it altogether and never have this problem whatsoever. But if you are going to, play it smart.