45 Japanese Life Rules That Are Hard for Foreigners to Understand

These Customs Might Seem Kind of Strange

The lifestyle in different parts of the world is a result of centuries of local cultures. And visiting a new part of the world exposes one to a new lifestyle. Some are difficult, while others are interesting. Japan is known for its deep roots in culture and its high regard for privacy and respect. It has shaped most of the lifestyle that is unique to the country. Here are some that might be difficult for foreigners.

Japanese Don’t Invite Friends to Their Home

Traveling across the waters to see a dear friend is such a big deal in any part of the world. And the hospitality shown by this host friend shows appreciation. But an invitation to the friend’s family home might not be a part of this hospitality.

Japanese Don’t Invite Friends to Their Home

Privacy is held in high regard in Japan, and most Japanese would prefer to go out to the bar or dinner with friends. A foreigner should not be offended if they do not receive an invitation to visit their friend’s home.

Don’t Honk in Traffic

Metropolitan cities are common in developed countries. And these big cities come with their troubles. An example is the frequent traffic jam one encounters on the way to or back from work. And Japan is no exception.

Don’t Honk in Traffic

But one thing that is not allowed here in Japan is honking in traffic. While in other parts of the world, it is seen as standard, it is believed to be a rude gesture to honk at another car in traffic. Patience is taught at its best here. Lovely!

“I Humbly Receive”

Manners are held in high regard in Japan. And the small things can make such a big difference. One such occasion is before a meal. One should respectfully receive a meal from a host or friend. How is this done?

“I Humbly Receive”

The common thing to say is “Itadakimasu.” This roughly translates to “I humbly receive.” This is seen as cultural and not religious, so everyone expects it. Hands held together in a prayer form is common when saying this phrase.

Vegetarian and Japanese Cuisines

The Japanese culture is one with a vast number of cuisines and delicacies. There are various types of food, and it is one aspect of the lifestyle that tourists or foreign friends look forward to whenever they want to visit. But there is one constant in the dishes.

Vegetarian and Japanese Cuisines

It is almost impossible for one to have a complete meal in Japan without eating any animal product. Even simple, fast foods contain some meat or meat sauce in it. This might pose a challenge for a vegetarian.